Friday, July 24, 2009

10 days left

After being here so long its become like another home almost. Having said that I'm ready to come back to the states. 10 days left until my plane leaves for home. I'll be sad to leave all the new friends I have made but at the same time ready to see all the family and friends I haven't seen in 2 months. 
Besides being a little bit home sick I'm very sore after my gymnastics workout yesterday with Andreas Thorkildsen. It was a great workout that was very tough for me but he made it look easy! I believe this is why he is the best javelin throwers in the world, seeing what he could do was a boost to my confidence. He has been doing gymnastics for about 3 years now and has increase in throwing and lifting because of this. 

Well just wanted to let you all know that im still having a great time even though im home sick haha love all you and hope all is well!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Starting Fresh

This summer has been a new journey for me in my life as you all might know. Some days have gone by slow and some fast but the end is soon to come for me here in Norway. The time I have spent here may never be forgotten, I've learned many new things about the sport of javelin throwing. Of course that's why I came here in the first place. But, the one thing that will stick with me forever is the life lessons that I will be taking home with me. First of all, I have learned to live in the present because the future and past is out of the picture... Yes you can learn from the past by using it as a tool to guide the future, but you must live and use the present to make that happen. Secondly, take in all that you can because this will not be here someday. I sit and dwell on the past sometimes. I know I shouldn't and I also think about death quite a bit also, because someday we all have to cope with it. Making the most of what you have and getting the most out of your body is a skill and discipline that most never achieve in life. So, from now on, if you ever see me not getting the most out of myself, remind me, because its my new life goal. Ill also remind you as well if I ever see you getting down on yourself! Last but not least, listening to what others have to say: coaches, elders, people you look up to. This is important to me now, because its how I'm going to get the most out of my body someday. I believe I have one more thing actually... Have fun in the time you are given here in the world, because when you have a smile on your face and are enjoying yourself it will make your goals easier to achieve! At least thats what I think. I see so many serious people out there working so hard for something and never relaxing. And, relaxing is a key ingredient to becoming what you want to become. You will be able to meet more people, talk to people easier, and not get so down on yourself in tough times.

Besides my words of wisdom, haha, I have been enjoying my time at the olympia toppen center learning and breaking down technique a little bit these last few days. Since I'm now finally finished with the longest season ive ever had Im ready to start over with a knew run up and better workout plan to help me become a great thrower someday. Today, Polle and I work on a lot of medicine ball drills and also got into the 5 step rhythm I was telling you all about in my last post. The 5 step rhythm, I believe, is a big step in jumping up maybe another 4 to 5 meters this next year. It will take my full concentration for the next year to really get it right. I'm behind on it because im 20, so that means more work is to be done for me to make it part of my bone marrow. Pray for me! I hope all is well back home love you all and hope you enjoyed the post!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Up and down

After a great week last week in Helsingborg, Sweden this week was a little bit slow. I got back to Magnus' house and sort of took a break from everything that was happening and got back to work in the weight room and in the grass throwing. Even though it's nice staying out in the country with Magnus, its so far away from everything that its hard to do anything exciting when its just the two of us. Although on Thursday I went down to Halden, Norway to do some training in my coaches home town. The weather was nice and we were able to go up to an old Norwegian fortress and then down the the harbor for a beer to relax and watch the sunset. The town was small but very nice the people were wonderful and the food again was very good! I will now concentrate on relaxing and having a good time if I can get out with some of the guys hopefully sometime soon... in the mean time I'm done competing while I'm here so I can concentrate on breaking down the body a little bit and the technique, maybe even get in to do some gymnastics with the best thrower in the world! My coach and I talked about changing my finish into a 5 step instead of 7 step, because its faster and I can transfer the speed better, even though it will take a while to get use to. Its very hard to learn but with time it will happen. Hopefully all is going well all over the States and wherever your reading this from ha. God bless you all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hallo again

Hey everybody, sorry for such a long wait for my next post. Things have been very busy here, we just finished our second trip to Sweden. I was gone for a week without internet and just friends to hangout with so it was a good week for me. It was enjoyable to get sometime away from just sitting on the computer all day waiting for people to get on haha. In Helsingerborg, Sweden we stayed in a house of about 20 throwers which was crazy but extremely fun! It was by far the best time ive had sense being in Europe. I got to meet new people and bond with other thrower of similar ages. I believe that spending that time with them created new friendships that will last a very long time. While in Sweden we also went out to the driving range and smashed balls, we drank beer and did other things besides just throwing. The food was amazing, the people great, and my norwegian speaking kinda skeptical haha. They tried teaching me more things but I suppose it didn't sound to well so they got some good laughs outta that ha. Anyways just thought I would tell ya about my great weekend in Sweden and until next time ill be praying for everyone back home and hope everything is going great! 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

A little late sorry I didn't post last night when it was actually the 4th of July. Well Magnus and I had a meet yesterday in Lillestrom, Norway just 2o min away from his house so it was an easy drive. The weather was very nice and we had a slight tale wind but not much to do anything. The meet went ok I ended up throwing 62,53m not my best but getting closer. That was a good result considering having no really adrenaline or power yesterday. My speed into the javelin was good but the block was lazy and im losing a lot of meters just right there. Magnus ended up throwing the discus 49,43m I believe and came in second. We will be traveling to Helsingborg, Sweden next week and staying in a hotel there. Magnus  leaves tomorrow for the trip with a couple of other thrower in the area so I will be on my own until thursday when I leave with my coach Paul to make the 6 hour drive. Hope all is well back home love you all and miss you very much ill be praying for you all! 
                                                                                                Love, Jesse 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finding hope...

These past few days I have really been looking forward to the up coming events of this weekend. Practice the last few days wasn't what I hoped it would turn out to be even  though towards the end of throwing yesterday things were starting to look up as my coach Paul Solberg and I found something that might be good for me in the long run. It's a secret though so, can't tell ya ;). haha Tomorrow night is the Bislett games where all of the worlds best javelin throwers will be going to throw, also some of the other worlds best in other events. This should be a wonderful experience and well help me to simply find hope in myself that I can one day be a great thrower. Being around this atmosphere is a great feeling! Just the other day as I was walking up the steps out of the weight room I past a popular gothic band lead singer and a man next to him with his hat on and talking his dog. As I looked back I realized that the man I had just pasted was Andreas Thorkildsen the best javelin thrower in the world. A smile arose on my face giving me a glimpse of hope towards the future. I was amazed but not in shock, it was just an amazing feeling to look back and see him and think "wow I love being a javelin thrower and this is what I wanna do!" 
        Days have been going by really slowly because I've been bored waiting for the bislett games and the Javelin Gala on saturday which should be a great contest for me to get back on track and set a PB in scandinavia. Hope all is well and home and training is well here but the days are long haha. I'm missing all my friends back home but will see you soon Love yall have a great time till I speak to you again.

PS pray for me in the javelin gala!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The last couple days were good because we began to get back to work in the weight room and on the runway. Although yesterdays throwing practice wasn't good what so ever because my legs were gone from the day before. On monday we did a lot of jumping and that effected tuesdays practice quite a bit. I have learned that days when my legs aren't bouncy and working are days I shouldn't even try to throw even if im feelin good in the upper body. Through the past 4 weeks my over all throwing ability has grown I believe. This is because the training is directed more towards throwing and also my throwing is becoming more consistent even though the results aren't showing big throws just quite yet. 
         Besides the throwing its been good to be home from sweeden and relax and sleep in a room that isn't 90 degrees haha. Yesterday after practice we decided to go down to the docks on the lake that is just behind the lifting and throwing center. The lakes in Norway are very big and they seem to have them everywhere! Magnus, a couple of the other throwers and I took a dip in the lake for about 45 min. I was great to get that bad practice off me and enjoy the water a bit because we haven't really got out to do a lot of stuff like that just yet. 

         Well so long till next time I hope everybody in Oregon, Iowa, Cali and all over that are reading this has a wonder time until till I speak to you again. 

P.S. I wish they had fireworks here but I guess ill have to wait till next year to play with fire.